The Seventy-Eighth New York Regiment, The Cameron Highlanders
Company B Roster
MUSTER-IN ROLL of Capt. Norman W. Mulley's Company in the 78th Regiment (Eagle Brigade) of New York State Volunteers.
Capt. Norman W. Mulley
1st. Lt. George Bishop
2nd. Lt. William B. Evans
1st Sgt. John Weeks
Sgt. Abraham Mellor
David Lizar
Joseph T. Dunham
George S. Webb
Cpl. Philip Donavan
William Crampton
Abraham R. Allen
James Winning
Edward T. Frost
Frank Mead
John Garrett
Michael Beuke
Drummer Thomas Hicks
Stephen Redgate
Wagoneer Jacob Huston
Pvt. Anderson, John W.
Ackerman, Jacob
Allen, Augustus H.
Baker, Frederick
Barrett, John
Bell, Henry
Benjamin, Isaac
Bennett, Peter
Birkey, Peter
Blair, John
Boeckel, William
Bolding, William
Bradley, Andrew
Brady, Hugh D.
Brennan, Luke
Britton, William
Bulger, Thomas
Burtch, William T.
Burn, John
Burn, Mark
Butler, Thomas
Cannon, Nathaniel
Clifford, Lawrence
Collins, Joseph
Conroy, John
Coyle, John
Danks, Thomas
Dargan, Peter
Dawes, George
Day, George
Deveraux, Nicholas
Devlin, Anthony
Donohue, Patrick
Doremus, Theodore L.
Dowry, John
Dunn, John
Fanning, James
Fitzgibbon, Thomas
French, Freeman A.
Fresch, Frederick
Feler, Jacob
Gae, Henry
Ganony, H. L.
Gerds, Henry
Gilroy, James
Golden, Charles
Gray, James
Grober, Michael
Harriss, Jonathan L.
Hayer, Philip
Helf, Jacob
Henton, Thomas
Hess, George
Holmes, Richard
Horneggon, Lawrence
Howell, John
Hughes, John
Jones, Henry
Keegan, Richard
Kellar, Ludwig
Kelly, Patrick
Kirsch, August
Lane, Henry A.
Lawler, Martin
Layton, Richard
Lewis, Charles
McCloskey, George
McDonald, James
McGarry, Dennis
McGarvey, Nicholas
McGee, Henry
McGinn, John
McGuire, James
McMahon, Hugh
McSorley, Hugh
Marsden, Thomas
Masterson, John
Merchant, Anthony E.
Minor, Philip
Mohring, August
Moore, Thomas
Moran, Joseph
Murphy, Hugh
Myers, Charles
Noble, James
O'Neil, James
Patterson, John T.
Pray, William T.
Reilly, John
Reilly, William
Roach, Patrick
Rush, Adam
Santa Anna, Joseph
Schneider, Andrew
Schneider, George
Schmidt, Bernhard
Snute, John
Stephens, Romine
Sucinburger, Joseph
Thomas, William
Thompson, Charles
Thorp, Frank W.
Trumpert, Edward
Van Brunt, L.
Van Keuren, Henry A.
Voght, Henry
Webb, William
Weil, Joseph
Wermerth, Christian
White, Isaac B.
For more info on any of the men listed, email
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